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  • Drinking water

    By Pablo Tillero on 23 October, 2020
    Drinking water or water fit for human consumption is water that can be consumed without restriction for drinking or food preparation. Water regulates the temperature of the earth. It also regulates the temperature of the human body, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, protects organs and tissues, and removes wastes. The adverse health effects of water from [...]
  • Mold and Health How does mold affect people?

    By Pablo Tillero on 15 October, 2020
    Mould is a fungus that can be found both outdoors and in damp, low-light places. There are many species of molds, which are microscopic species of the kingdom Fungi, growing in multi-cellular or single-celled filament forms. Generally, molds are not a problem indoors, unless the mold spores [...]
  • What is a noise map?

    By Pablo Tillero on 18 December, 2019
    What is a noise map? A noise map is the cartographic representation of existing noise levels in a particular area and in a given period. The utility of the noise map is to determine the exposure of the population to environmental noise, in order to adopt the necessary action plans to prevent and reduce environmental noise [...]
  • Water Quality

    By Pablo Tillero on 28 November, 2019
    Do you know the quality of the water you drink? The quality of water for human consumption guarantees our vital functions as living beings, if the quality of the water is altered our health is at risk. Although a considerable number of public health problems can occur as a result of chemical contamination, the most common ones are related to the quality of the water we drink.
  • What is asbestos?

    By Pablo Tillero on 25 November, 2019
    What is asbestos? Asbestos is made up of a group of naturally occurring minerals in the form of bundles of fibers. These fibers are found in soil and rocks in many parts of the world. Asbestos fibers can be useful because they are strong, resistant to heat and many chemicals, and have been used as a material for [...]
  • What is food hygiene?

    By Pablo Tillero on 21 November, 2019
    What is food hygiene? It is a discipline focused on ensuring that food maintains, in addition to its organoleptic qualities, taste, aroma, texture, food safety, and is that bacteria tend to multiply uncontrollably when the conditions are suitable for them and many of these are harmful to people. The element that has more incidence in [...]
  • Trichinella spiralis

    By Pablo Tillero on 13 November, 2019
    What is the bacterium that can contaminate the pig?
  • Noise pollution

    By Pablo Tillero on 11 November, 2019
    Noise pollution, sonic pollution or noise pollution is the excess of sound that alters the normal environmental conditions in a certain area. Although noise does not accumulate, move or last over time like other pollution, it can also cause great damage to people's quality of life if it is not well or adequately controlled. Traffic is [...]
  • Heavy Metals in Water

    By Pablo Tillero on 8 November, 2019
    Did you know that heavy metals are a group of chemical elements that have a high density. They are generally toxic to humans and among the most likely to occur in water are Mercury (Hg), Nickel (Ni), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd) and Chromium (Cr). At high concentrations it can lead to poisoning. The poisoning [...]
  • Seminar on Quality Control and Food and Water Safety

    By admin on 19 June, 2019
    CONTENT: Affections, control points and evaluation through microbiological analysis. Basic concepts and generalities. Basic aspects of food microbiology. Foodborne diseases. Good hygienic practices of water and food handler.