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Pay attention to the water you consume.

By admin on 8 August, 2016 in News, Publications

Pay attention to the water you consume.

Only 3% of the world's water corresponds to fresh water, all this water is divided into:

  • 80% poles
  • 19% groundwater
  • 0.7% atmosphere
  • 0.3 % surface water (Rivers, lakes...)

Which means that if we think about global warming or environmental pollution this 3% fresh water will be decreasing, the poles will thaw, the groundwater will be polluted and the surface water will dry up.

In conclusion

Water needs to be used efficiently throughout the world and the responsibility for finding solutions for its responsible use rests with both developing and developed countries.

But while we wait for governments to make fundamental decisions on which our very survival depends, it is time to take action and begin to review our consumption behaviors. We cannot change the amount of water that exists on the planet, but we CAN make responsible use of this vital resource.


Take care of it... how? By analyzing it, treating it and not wasting it.

Preserve it... how? Don't contaminate it with solid, chemical or organic materials.

By Elaine Rodriguez
Industrial Engineer