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Water and the Extraction of Sand and Gravel from Our Watersheds

By admin on 14 September, 2016 in News, Publications

The extraction of sand and gravel from watersheds seriously affects the ecosystem: it lowers riverbeds, generates lagoons and branches of the riverbed, erosion of the banks and contamination of agricultural land downstream. Similarly, sediment extraction pollutes the water in different ways, both by the residues left by the transfer of heavy machinery and by the removal of the materials.

Farming companies extract gravel and sand from the riverbeds with tractors and shovels to supply the construction industry.

This extraction should not be carried out indiscriminately. Water is a resource that must be protected in an integral manner, which means that society, institutions, agencies and governments have a role to play in its care, so protecting water is an optimal alternative for sustainability and the common benefit of the inhabitants.

Bibliographical References:

(2) National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI). (2008). National Hydrological Plan. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.